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I am an academic lawyer and practising barrister.
I am a Professor of Legal Studies at NYU Abu Dhabi and Affiliated Professor at NYU School of Law. I was previously a professor of public law at the University of Oxford and a Fellow and Tutor in law at Mansfield College, where I remain a Senior Research Fellow.
I am also a barrister at Francis Taylor Building in London. I practise in EU law, planning law human rights and education law. I am also interested in public policy especially in the various challenges of climate change and the energy transition.

Legal Advice
If you need legal advice or representation in the areas of my expertise, please get in touch with my clerks at Francis Taylor Building here.
Public Policy
II have been involved in Greek politics and public policy since 2014, when I helped set up a new political party, To Potami. Although not a member of any party right now, I am part of efforts to promote open government, environmental causes and human rights for all.

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