Biographical Information
Pavlos Eleftheriadis is a Professor of Legal Studies at NYU Abu Dhabi and Affiliated Professor at NYU School of Law. He was previously Professor of Public Law at the University of Oxford and a Fellow and Tutor in Law at Mansfield College, Oxford, where he remains a Senior Research Fellow.
He was educated at the University of Athens (BA, 1990) and the University of Cambridge (LLM, 1991, PhD, 1995).
He is a barrister in England and Wales and practises before the English courts in various areas of public law and human rights from Francis Taylor Building in the Temple. Some of his recent cases involved challenging the Brexit process on constitutional grounds, including the challenge to the legitimacy of the EU referendum on account of the violation of electoral law by the ‘Leave’ campaigns, in the case of Wilson v Prime Minister [2019] EWCA Civ 304.
He has been a visiting researcher at Harvard Law School (1993 and 1995), a visiting professor of law at Columbia Law School (2001), a visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (2012) and a Distinguished Global Fellow in Residence at Boston College (2013).
He regularly blogs and writes for the press on European, constitutional and legal issues. He has been an active commentator on the Eurozone crisis in the press.

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"To welcome and educate global citizens, and produce knowledge in order to promote human understanding and to better society. Through distinctive global liberal arts education and graduate programs, we enable students and graduates to achieve intellectual, personal, and professional fulfillment and empower them to make significant societal contributions to Abu Dhabi and the world. Through cutting-edge research, we develop knowledge, foster creativity and innovation, and help solve humanity’s shared challenges. Together, we contribute to Abu Dhabi’s knowledge-based economy and society, and play a central role in NYU’s global mission." NYUAD Mission
"NYU School of Law has earned a reputation as an elite but not hidebound institution distinctly of its New York City location. We are well known for our focus on leadership, justice, and service; we are also proud of our long history of innovation and our record of blazing new paths in legal education, including through our unparalleled clinical offerings, first-of-its-kind Lawyering curriculum, and global programs. The Law School is anchored by our distinguished full-time faculty, who are leading scholars and teachers in a broad range of legal and associated fields, and by our ambitious and public-spirited students". NYU Law, Strategic Plan 2016